Pay-per-click ads are a powerful way to reach a high-intent audience on search engines.

PPC platforms like Google or Bing offer powerful tools to help you connect with the right audience in the right way at the right time.

Here’s why you should use Google ads: It lets you generate high-quality leads almost instantly and cost-effectively!

However, of course, you need an effective strategy to make the advertising method work for you.

In this article, you’ll learn how hospitals can market their services with Google ads (The right way!).

Let’s dive in.

Benefits of Google Ads for HospitalsMedical SEO

Before diving into the practical stuff, here are some irresistible benefits of using Google ads to market hospital services.

Instant Results

Organic marketing, such as blog posts and social media content, demands patience.

These strategies take time to work.

Search engine ads, on the other hand, offer quick results.

With Google ads, for instance, you can start getting visitors to your landing page as soon as the campaign goes live.


When you advertise with Google search ads, you pay for the clicks generated, hence the name “pay-per-click”.

Once your ad generates a click, your landing page takes care of the rest.

The per-click cost depends on your target keyword.

Ranking for a competitive keyword will require more budget than ranking for a less competitive one.

How Hospitals Can Market Their Services with Google Ads

how hospitals can market their service with Google ads

Here’s how hospitals can use Google ads to attract qualified leads to their services.

Research Your Competitors

When it comes to marketing your business with Google Ads, your competitors can serve as a guiding torch.

Start by searching your target keyword on Google and observing the paid results.

Looking at their ad copy and landing page will help you understand what’s working for them.

Understanding Search Intenta group of icons with a robot, a person asking a question and a key

Before hunting the right PPC keywords, you must understand different types of intent.

This will allow you to work on keywords that are most likely to get qualified leads to your landing page.

Informational: People searching informational intent keywords on Google are looking for answers to general health-related questions.

Example: Symptoms of appendicitis.

Transactional: A transactional intent keyword indicates the searcher is ready to take the desired action.

Example: Book an appointment with a cardiologist.

Commercial: When someone is in the consideration stage, they tend to use commercial intent keywords to find the desired service.

Example: Best Surgeons in Chicago.

Find the Right KeywordsKeyword Ranking Icon

Google Keyword Planner is the best free place to find all types of keywords for your hospital ads.

After signing into your Google Ads account, go to the Keyword Planner and enter your main query.

You’ll get some keyword suggestions to broaden your search and a list of related keywords you can work on.

Keyword ideas for hospitals with Google Keyword Planner

Focusing on long-tail PPC keywords is a good way to avoid excessive competition.

These keywords are more specific, so fewer companies bid on them, reducing the overall competition.

You may also want to exclude certain keywords in the “Negative Keywords” tab.

Negative keywords in Google ads

This way, you can prevent your ads from showing up for the wrong keywords and wasting your ad budget.

Use Ad Extensions

There are several types of extensions you can use to:

  • Improve the visibility of your hospital ads in SERPs
  • Boost your ads’ click-through rate

Sitelink Extensions: These extensions let you add links to your ads, allowing you to redirect ad viewers to specific pages on your website.

Call Extensions: A call extension lets you add a phone number to the ad, allowing viewers to directly call your business from search results.

Location Extensions: With the location extension, you can showcase your hospital’s address, making it easy for people to find your location and get directions.

Callout Extensions: With a callout extension, you can highlight specific information about your business/offer. For instance, 24/7 Emergency Care.

Use Location TargetingGoogle Maps Pin

As a healthcare service provider, you have to serve within a geographical boundary.

Location targeting lets you show your ads within your service area.

This helps you generate a healthy ROAS as your ad budget is used efficiently.

Optimize Your Landing Pages

optimize your landing page

Your ad needs to be good enough to generate clicks.

But, to achieve your desired conversion goal, you need an optimized landing page.

Here are some landing page best practices to help you convert visitors.

A Clear Headline

The first thing your landing page visitor sees is the headline. It should match your ad copy and persuade the visitor to continue reading the rest of the content.

Persuasive Copy

Impactful landing page copy is to the point and easy to consume.

It should be concise and communicate important information effectively.

For instance, you can use bullet points to highlight the most attractive benefits of your offer.

Relevant Image or Video

Eye-catching images can help you make your content more consumable.

An explainer video is a great way to engage your visitors and get them interested in your offer.

A Strong Call to Actiona blue and red Take Action banner with a megaphone and a hospital building

Last but not least, a call-to-action is where the action happens.

It needs to be short, actionable, and highly visible.

Use bold text and bright colors to make your CTA stand out since it’s the most important part of your page.

Also, optimize your landing page around a single call to action.

Fast Loading Speed

A landing page that takes more than a few seconds to load doesn’t offer an optimal user experience.

As a result, you could easily lose a good chunk of your visitors.

Mobile-friendliness is another important factor to consider since most of your landing page visitors are mobile users.

Recruiting Hospital Employees With Google Display Adsa cartoon image of a job applicant

Lead generation isn’t the only possible use case for Google Ads. Your hospital might benefit from a recruiting drive to find new employees.

One effective way to attract potential employees through Google Ads is by using display ads. These are visual advertisements that can be placed on websites, apps, and social media platforms, making them highly visible to a wide audience.

Display ads allow you to target specific demographics, such as job seekers in a certain location or those with relevant interests and qualifications. This helps ensure that your ad is being seen by the right people who are more likely to be interested in working for your hospital.

To make your display ad even more effective, consider including eye-catching visuals and compelling copy that highlights the benefits of working at your hospital. You could also include a direct call-to-action within the ad itself, encouraging viewers to click and learn more about job

How Hospitals Can Market Their Services With Google Ads: Conclusiona white building with a red cross and a van

Google pay-per-click ads are one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to market a healthcare service business.

Probably the most attractive benefit of this marketing method is the fact that you don’t have to pay unless someone clicks on your ad.

Your Google ad can attract prospects into your marketing funnel. But, your landing page is where you can convert prospects into customers. Make sure your design and content are both optimized to resonate with your target audience and entice them to take action.

Here’s a quick recap of how can hospitals market their services with Google Ads:

  • Study your competitors
  • Find the right keywords
  • Use ad extensions and location targeting
  • Optimize your landing page

The good news is you don’t have to do all that yourself!

a advertisement for a company

If you’re offering hospital services in your area and want to leverage Google ads to get fresh customers, Webology can help.

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