Blog Roundup: The Top 7 Social Media Tips


Social Media Tip #1 – CONTENT IS KING! This article from Social Media Today outlines some great tips for keeping your social media posts down-to-earth. What’s the key takeaway? Tell don’t sell! You need to be adding value to your audience each and every time you interact with them on social. People like brands that inform and engage instead of talking about their services all the time.
A chat bubble with the words content marketing
Social Media Tip #2 – This top ten list from Social Media Today highlights the importance of video content. Video on Facebook accounts for just 0.9% of all posts. Here’s the crazy thing about that: these same 0.9% of posts account for 7.15% of all reach on the network. And that number is growing. Video posts are dominating social media, with Facebook emerging as YouTube’s largest contender for video uploads. If you haven’t started marketing with video on Facebook, now’s the time to begin.
Someone with headphones looking at a laptop
Social Media Tip #3 – Always use consistent fonts and colors for your brand’s social media presence. This is key to developing a recognizable and memorable identity for your business. It takes only seconds for someone to recognize your brand when you post on social media, so make sure those seconds are spent in recognizing your unique brand instead of being confused by the different fonts and colors used. Consistency is key!
A marketing strategy displayed on a tablet
Social Media Tip #4 – Use marketing automation, but don’t be spammy. There is smart automation and then there is spammy, ineffective automation when it comes to social media marketing. You don’t want to blast out promotional offers all day long — that’s a quick way to lose all of your followers. Use social media as a way to communicate with your audience and provide them valuable information.
Click, like, share, hello!
Social Media Tip #5 – Controversy! All news might be good news, but if you want to go controversial and edgy on Twitter, be careful in your approach. While this strategy can backfire, it’s been highly successful for a few brands in 2017. Perhaps you’ve heard about Wendy’s’ social media strategy? A number of websites have pointed out the highlights of its approach, calling it “roasting” at its finest. If you’re not familiar, the concept is this: the Wendy’s brand is responding to user comments, especially ones insulting Wendy’s or praising its competitors, with tongue-in-cheek comebacks ranging from playful to downright insulting. It’s a bold move from an otherwise docile brand, and it’s attracting a lot of attention.
A decorative image depicting social media interactions
Social Media Tip #6 – Leveraging Instagram for better brand awareness: This article from The Observer gives you 30 essential tips for leveraging this platform to increase your marketing exposure. There are a billion active users on Instagram every month, and every day that many photos are liked. With Instagram, the quality of the posts are much more important than the quantity. Instagram user interactions with brands is 400 percent higher than on Facebook and Twitter, delivering 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook and 120 times more engagement per follower than Twitter.
Various social networks
Social Media Tip #7 – Welcoming our new robot overlords! Chat bots are a big thing in social media marketing. Bigger brands are building massive databases filled with answers to the most common questions they get on Social Media. It saves time. If you do it the right way, a chat bot can greatly improve user experience and customer service. But chat automation isn’t just limited to larger brands with oversized marketing budgets. A simple bot can be developed for your brand that will help you interact with your audience. Sound interesting? Ask us about setting one up for your business.
A chat interaction on a laptop screen
Do you need help with your social media marketing? Hire the pros at Webology to stand out on social. From creating engaging content to analyzing data, we can help you achieve your social media goals. Contact us today for a free consultation.