Can SEO be automated? (Yes and NO)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) automation is a complex process of improving a website’s pages, content, metadata, and other elements to help your site rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs). This process is typically handled by pro SEOs with the help of AI when you want things done right or when you’re in a hurry, it’s done 100% by bots at a high risk of penalty.

Seriously…is it really risky to publish a bunch of AI content?

Google penalty graphic

Yes! I know this for a fact because one of my long-time friends in the SEO community recently shared a screenshot of 10 manual penalties from Google in his email inbox!!! (I copied it for you in the screenshot at the bottom of this page if you don’t believe me!) Sites that publish more content than would be humanly possible are getting hit with algorithmic actions like mad right now. In general, there’s a lot of uncertainty around automating SEO these days. But at Webology, we always get it right and none of our sites got hit. Today, I’ll cover automating SEO in a 💯 Google-friendly way that stands the test of time.

Tasks to Automateperformance optimization

SEO operations can range from basic tasks like keyword research and competitor analysis to ensuring technical elements are in place…and that your work done is professionally…(or if you want to FAIL, trust Mr. 🤖💯) You’ll need someone with experience and a personality to manage everything for you. If not, it’s just a matter of time before the Google-Gods slap your site out of the SERPs, costing you valuable traffic. AI certainly has its place in SEO processes, but it has to be managed to avoid possible penalties.

If you’re not up for that level of risk, hire me! SEO is [EASY] 💵 if you already have an experienced team that knows how to work with AI. My team was optimizing for the ‘helpful content update’ before Google even announced it! We combined the best of AI generation and human writing to satisfy search intent years ago, and we’ve been refining the process since then. All we had to do was make a few small content edits and little else changed for us over the last year. And that’s even on content that was originally written with AI assistance. So, there’s no question in my mind that SEO can be automated to some degree, but the details get complicated. Before we dive in, here’s a few words from our CEO on SEO in general so you have an understanding of the basics we’ll cover today.

What is SEO? Why is it Essential for Digital Marketing Success?Sales Rocket

‘SEO is a form of digital marketing focused on optimizing your website and its content for search engine visibility. This can help you draw more organic traffic to your site and lets you reach new potential customers who have never heard about your brand. An effective SEO strategy involves analyzing keywords and finding the most relevant ones for your target audience, then creating optimized content for search engine algorithms and readers around those topics. Be sure technical elements like page speed are considered, and keep up with the never-ending algorithm changes we all have to deal with in SEO.

Google moves fast, and top brands in every industry do their best to move faster! In short, SEO is essential for successful digital marketing because it helps businesses gain web visibility, reach new people, and stand out from the competition in their industry on search engines. It’s a hidden opportunity most people miss…With an effective SEO strategy, your business will be set up to succeed online!’ – Blake Akers.

Can SEO by automated?

Areas Where AI Excels in SEO

Tools and software programs can help with some of the more tedious tasks involved in search engine optimization automation, making the process much more accessible to delegate. But if you want incredible results, you need a human SEO to take the wheel and drive your brand to higher traffic and conversions with a custom strategy. That strategy will often dictate the need for several SEO tasks that are then easily automated by an experienced marketing professional. Here’s a list of the most common tasks we automate for our clients after a strategy session:

1. Keyword research and analysis
2. Competitor analysis and tracking
3. On-page optimization, including title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags
4. Image optimization for SEO
5. Content creation and optimization based on keywords and search intent
6. Regular website audits for technical SEO issues
7. Internal linking strategy implementation
8. Monitoring and managing backlinks
9. XML sitemap generation
10. Schema markup implementation for rich snippets
11. Social media integration and sharing capabilities
12. Mobile-friendliness testing and optimization
13. Automatic URL canonicalization
14. Automatic redirection of broken links
15. Automated reporting of website traffic, rankings, and conversions
16. Local SEO optimizations, such as Google My Business updates and local directory submissions.

What are Some Automation Tools That Make SEO More Accessible and Effective?AI in Blue

Automation tools that help make SEO more manageable and effective are becoming increasingly popular among marketers and companies. These tools can automate tedious processes, like tracking keywords and measuring website performance, saving time and resources. With the right automation tool, you can optimize your content to get the most visibility on targeted search engines. Automation tools can maximize efficiency in managing a company’s online presence, allowing them to focus their energy on other aspects of their business. Refrain from getting stuck in a 100% manual approach – take advantage of the great automation tools available from our table below and watch your SEO efforts pay off!

How can you use Automation Tools to Automate your SEO Processes?Tanna McGuire

Real simple! Here’s a quote from our creative director:

‘Automating SEO processes can be a great way to save time and increase efficiency. Utilizing automation tools lets you focus on other tasks while your SEO work is done automatically in the background. The types of jobs you can automate are far-reaching, from content optimization and keyword searches to review analysis and reporting. Different tools offer different features, so finding which one best suits your needs is essential. Before selecting an automation tool, consider which aspects of SEO will be most helpful for you to automate and whether or not the tool offers these features. Many tools also come with price points that fit any budget, so there’s no need to break the bank when implementing automation into your SEO process. Automation is an excellent way for businesses to use their time and resources efficiently and effectively.’ – Tanna McGuire.

SEO Automation Tools and What They Can Do For You

Top 5 Automation Tools

Here is a brief overview of some popular SEO automation tools and what they can do for your business:

  1. ChatGPT: The tool that made generative AI a household name, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for automating content creation. It helps generate unique and optimized content based on targeted keywords and search intent.
  2. Jasper: Literally the tool I’m using for editing this article! Jasper is a powerful AI-driven editing tool that can help improve your content by suggesting changes based on SEO best practices.
  3. Page Optimizer Pro: Kyle Roof’s tool. He’s the only person I know to hold a patent in reverse-engineering search engine algorithms and for a good reason. This is the tool Webology uses day in and day out to get our clients’ websites ranking higher on Google.
  4. SEMrush: This popular tool offers a variety of features, including competitor analysis and tracking, keyword research, and website auditing. It also has a content optimization feature that can help you create SEO-friendly content.
  5. Ahrefs: A robust backlink analysis and keyword research tool that happens to boast the largest links database outside of Google’s own data centers. A must-have for any serious SEO campaign.

While the last two on our list aren’t what you would think of when it comes to AI and SEO, it’s important to note that in the last 6 months practically every single tool we use at Webology has an integrated AI component now.

Tips on Choosing the Right SEO Automation Tool for Your BusinessLightbulb

Selecting the right SEO automation tool for your business can significantly influence your online success. The first tip is to thoroughly understand your business needs and SEO goals. Different tools have different specialties, so it’s crucial to identify which aspects of SEO are most relevant to your operations.

Whether it’s content creation, link building, keyword research, or comprehensive site audits, knowing what you need will help narrow down your options. Additionally, consider the size of your business and the scope of your SEO projects, as some tools are better suited for small businesses, while others cater to larger enterprises with more complex needs.

  • Evaluate User-Friendliness: Choose a tool that is straightforward to set up and use. You’ll want something that your team can comfortably work with, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Check for Integration Capabilities: It’s beneficial if the tool integrates seamlessly with other software you’re using, such as CRM systems, analytics tools, or content management systems (CMS).
  • Assess Customer Support: Good customer support is invaluable, especially when you encounter issues or have questions about the tool. Look for tools that offer robust support.
  • Consider Scalability: Your selected tool should be able to grow with your business, accommodating more keywords, pages, and projects as your SEO efforts expand.
  • Price vs. Value: Finally, weigh the cost against the potential value it brings to your business. An expensive tool might be worth the investment if it significantly automates SEO tasks.

Analyzing And Improving Your SEO Campaigns with Automation ToolsSearch Engine Optimization icon

Automation tools can save time and effort when analyzing and improving your SEO campaigns. Analyzing metrics from SEO campaigns can feel overwhelming, but automation tools make the job easier. You can quickly generate SEO reports that provide in-depth metrics such as keyword rankings, backlinks, organic traffic, and on-page health. With these metrics at your fingertips all in one place, you’ll be able to identify areas for improvement. Automation tools also help with filing SERP Trackers, creating content ideas based on search volumes and trends, plus generating automated reports to monitor performance over time. Embracing automation tools can help you stay organized while taking the guesswork out of optimizing your website’s SEO — plus improve visibility and gain higher rankings!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using SEO Automation Tools

As I mentioned at the very start, we’re in a risky environment where Google is doing its very best to keep spam out of search results. That means we all need to be careful that our SEO efforts don’t cross a line that could lead to penalties or even getting banned from the search engines altogether. As I’m writing this, it’s March 2024 and shit just got REAL:

A screenshot of an inbox filled with manual spam notices from Google Search Console.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using SEO automation tools:

  • Over-optimization: Automation tools can make it tempting to optimize your content and website excessively. However, this can come across as spam if words are unnaturally stuffed into sentences just to hit a SEO goal.
  • Publishing too much: An easy way for Google to pick out spammers is to just go after sites publishing thousands of posts per month. It’s just not natural and is a likely indicator of low-quality content. Our process at Webology always puts two sets of human eyes on everything we publish.
  • Not monitoring for technical issues: While automation tools can help with various aspects of SEO, it’s essential to regularly monitor for any technical errors or issues that may arise. Failure to do so could negatively impact your website’s performance and rankings.
  • Trusting the AI to make the calls: While automation tools can make suggestions, it’s crucial to review and double-check any changes before implementing them. Blindly trusting the AI could lead to errors or inaccuracies in your SEO strategy.

Your Brand + AI + WebologyWebology

A formula for success!

I’ve really pushed the Webology team to embrace innovation and technologies such as AI to help improve our clients’ SEO campaigns. Our success stories speak for themselves, with countless clients seeing significant increases in organic traffic, keyword rankings, and overall online visibility.

With the right SEO automation tools and a skilled team of experts, your brand can also achieve success in the competitive world of search engine optimization. So don’t be afraid to embrace AI and reach out to us if you need help getting started.